
Raising Our Content IQ

Lisa Stojak Content Marketing Specialist

Not so long ago, it was relatively easy to understand what people read, watched and listened to. There were four television networks, magazines and newspapers, radio and billboards. Marketers knew where to advertise to reach their audiences. If you wanted


Rethinking Paper in the Digital Age

Kerry Grady Founder, Design Principal

There’s been a lot of research into the print versus digital debate. Last year, The Association of Magazine Media published a white paper titled “What can neuroscience tell us about why print advertising works?”, a summation of the findings of


How Design and Branding Influence Behavior

Kerry Grady Founder, Design Principal

One way to define branding is as deliberate differentiation. Branding requires that you make very specific, thoughtful decisions about how you are creating that differentiation. Most differentiation isn’t really deliberate – it’s just a point a view, or a reason


The Power of Design Thinking

Kerry Grady Founder, Design Principal

Design thinking sounds like a slogan created by a management consultant. Actually, it’s a problem-solving approach used by designers for decades. Knowing what the customer wants is not a skill that comes naturally to engineers who develop software for big


Following Instinct

Kerry Grady Founder, Design Principal

Striking a balance between intuition and data   American Business lore is rife with anecdotes of the entrepreneur who followed his/her gut – against all of the odds and naysayers – built a multi-million dollar brand. But if gut instincts –


Business Decision Makers invest in Strong Cultures.

Kerry Grady Founder, Design Principal

Report finds companies focused on their culture are better long-term partners than bottom-line watchers.   Companies are no longer judged on what the say, but rather on what they do. This is why whatever services or products you are selling,


When it Comes to Company Culture: Make it Intentional.

Juli Crabtree Director, Brand Dev.

Why You Need to Take Charge of Your Company’s Culture   How would you describe your company culture? Would your team describe your company culture in a similar way? It’s critical to know that these descriptions are aligned. Take time


Branding and Marketing: What’s the Difference?

Kerry Grady Founder, Design Principal

There are different opinions about this, but in my view, marketing is actively promoting a product or service. It’s a push tactic. It’s pushing out a message to get sales results: “Invest our product because it’s better than theirs.” (or


The Creative Mind: Thinking Systematically

Kerry Grady Founder, Design Principal

I chose the path of design because I wanted to spend my career talking to and working with creative minds. Over more than thirty years I have seen genius evolve and lethargy set in. This may seem overly romantic and unfair,